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June is Men's Health Month - that means mental health, too!

R.O.S.E.S. C3 Editorial Staff

By Alondra Torres Negron, ROSES, Inc. Intern

Mental health can impact anyone. Whether it be stress or more serious issues such as anxiety and depression, everyone faces mental health challenges from time to time. Although there are many resources to help people, not every one will feel comfortable asking for help. 

Overall, men are less likely than women to seek help and receive treatment for mental health related issues. Nearly 1 in 10 men will experience mental health challenges, but less than half receive treatment. There are different factors that can affect the ability to seek help such as cultural standards or socioeconomic status. We must allow for open conversations about how mental health impacts all of our lives, including men. The idea that it is not “strong” or “manly” to talk about mental health is far from the truth. It takes strength and courage to speak about what you are going through. 

With June being dedicated to men’s health, it is important to acknowledge that mental health is just as important, and essential to physical health. As different life circumstances and factors impact mental health, it can be affected at any moment. Getting help when experiencing a mental health challenge is an important part of the health journey. Giving men the resources to maintain their mental health and creating safe spaces for them to talk about how they are feeling will go a long way in destigmatizing the discussion of mental health for men. 

In the month of June, let’s take the time to focus on and destigmatize men’s mental health.

For more resources, please visit:

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